Customer Testimonials

Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

I didn't get a chance at the end of the night to thank you for everything on our wedding night. Our guests are still talking about how good the music was and the dance floor was on point all night... Thanks again! - Amy Nielsen 

You were so great! Our wedding was so much fun, thanks so much for everything! Brynn Ray/Chad Shepherd

You did an AWESOME job with our reception!! Thank you sooo much!! I think my cousin will be calling you for her wedding and my other cousin might call you for prom....Thanks again for making my special day fun!! Thanks again, Ron Reed/Malerie Miller

Thanks so much for an amazing reception! We had so many compliments about you and the music! Guests said they had never been to a wedding where there were that many people on the dance floor for the whole night! You did a great job of playing the music we had requested and also following the crowd's reaction and knowing what to play! You also did an awesome job on a whim of thanking everyone on our behalf. You made it so heart felt! Plus the price was amazing! You truly were a "Perfect 10"! Thank you so much! Kyle & Amanda Kozlowski

We can't thank you enough for being there for us and giving us such an AMAZING TIME!! There were soooo many people complimenting us on you and the music! Everyone said that it was seriously the BEST wedding reception that they had EVER been to! We had tons of compliments on how cool you were and how funny you were! We will NEVER forget how very special you made our night! Monica Leeuwenburg/Carrie Merritt

Great job, the kids loved you.  We would like to book you for next years prom as well. - White Pigeon High School

Thanks so much for the music, it was the heart of our reception. Cathy Saruman/Phil Magnan

Thank you so much for everything yesterday, we could not have asked for anything more! So many people at the reception complimented us on the great job you did. Thanks again so much, you were amazing! Kelsey Demeyer/Josh Smith

We were very impressed with Ron and Perfect 10 Party. We gave him a huge list of music and he had it all. It was simple and great working with him to make our reception perfect. Ron was very professional and we highly recommend him to anyone. His Bose sound system was awesome and the dance lighting was perfect. We couldn't of asked for anything better! Jennifer Kampfschulte/Blake Trutsch

Where to Find Us:

Perfect 10 Entertainment
P.O. Box 2941
Grand Rapids, MI 49501

Phone: 616-881-9035

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